Technical Education Post

News and Information for Technical Educators

Shipbuilding Institute Offers Free Machinist Training

— The Shipbuilding and
Advanced Manufacturing Institute
(SAMI) at New England Tech’s Post
Road Campus in Warwick is seeking
applicants for its free machinist training
program to ll multiple positions with
local employers.
SAMI was established by New England
Institute of Technology to help fill a
pipeline of skilled workers to be hired
by regional manufacturers. If you are at
least 18 years of age and a Rhode Island
resident, you are eligible for this free,
customized 300-hour training program,
according to an announcement about the program from New England Tech. All activities and
services are delivered and supervised by SAMI staff at no cost to eligible participants. Participants
are admitted on a rolling basis. There is no specific start date – once interested participants contact
SAMI for information, dates/times will be provided.
Founded in 2013, SAMI was developed through grants provided by the United States Department of
Labor, the Governor’s Workforce Board of Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Department of Labor and
Training, the Rhode Island Foundation and Champlin Foundations. SAMI’s resources include
education services, career specific testing and assessment, and customized hands-on exploration
and evaluation activities.
The machinist training curriculum places a strong emphasis on learning manual machine processes
and gradually builds to expose selected participants to Computerized Numerical Control
(CNC) operations based on each student’s skills and abilities. The program also includes blueprint
reading, Computer Aided Design (CAD) and remedial math. With a strong emphasis on safety and All interested individuals are invited to participate in an orientation and tour SAMI’s state-of-the art labs. Instructors will demonstrate simple machine tool tasks and explain the various projects
included in the curriculum to develop necessary skills for this occupation. Attendees may ask
questions and will operate some of the basic tools and machines during the orientation.
For those participants who are accepted into the machinist program and may be currently collecting
unemployment benefits, their payments will continue while enrolled in the program. The goal is to
provide individuals with the opportunity to learn new technical skills and secure a higher than
average wage job. Many employers look to the SAMI program to fill their hiring needs for well trained machinists.
To learn more about the SAMI machinist training program, contact the SAMI at 401-739-
5000 ext. 3660 or ext. 3539 to register for the orientation. You may also email for
more information

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