Technical Education Post

News and Information for Technical Educators

Institute for Workforce Skills and Innovation -IWSI America

2020 may be the most polarizing election year yet, but there is at least one issue both parties are in agreement on: Apprenticeships deserve federal investment. But, no matter who wins, even more can be done to establish apprenticeship programs in skills ranging from tech to healthcare, which may help the workforce and economy recover from COVID-19.

Insight on what the United States is currently doing for apprenticeship programs, how they election has the potential to increase apprenticeship initiatives and why they are crucial for helping the economy bounce back

We Are Looking For Collaborators
IWSI America, in cooperation with the Urban Institute and other experts in the field, is seeking partners to advance the apprenticeship talent development model across the country. We are inviting industry and business associations, workforce development boards, secondary and postsecondary institutions, employers and community-based organizations to join us in creating and growing work-based learning opportunities in a broad range of industries through the U.S. Department of Labor’s new Youth Apprenticeship Intermediary Initiative.

About the Initiative
IWSI America, and its team, are participating in this five-year national initiative to grow registered youth apprenticeship. We will provide industry-specific expertise and administrative assistance to our partners who may not have the capacity or know-how to operate modern apprenticeship programs on their own. Programs will begin in high school (or serve out-of-school youth), continue after graduation and include postsecondary education. All will produce nationally-recognized industry-credentialed graduates and top talent.

The goals of this initiative are to:
• Create and expand rewarding career pathways for youth and young adults who earn and learn in school and on the job
• Facilitate employers’ efforts to build their talent pipeline and eliminate skill shortages with high-quality training programs
• Help local and regional stakeholders establish a sustainable registered youth apprenticeship framework
• Increase the visibility of and investment in apprenticeship across the nation, including development of at least 10 new youth apprenticeship programs over the life of the initiative.

Our Role
IWSI and its team will provide the following services to launch these efforts:
• Build strong collaborations between employers and schools to facilitate development and expansion of work-based learning programs
• Work with high schools and postsecondary institutions to create and structure both a well-defined schedule of learning (related technical instruction) and mentoring for quality apprenticeship programs
• Engage with employers to identify skills needs and construct customized talent pipelines through on-the-job training and related technical instruction to meet these needs
• Create peer learning networks and knowledge sharing opportunities to guide partners in building and operating their programs
• Stimulate students’ and parents’ interest in and create awareness of the nature and value of this lucrative career pathway
• Offer modest funding to help employers offset the start-up costs of registering a modern apprenticeship program.

How To Get Involved
Our partners will come from a broad range of industries including: healthcare, transportation and logistics, cybersecurity, information and communications technology, hospitality, advanced manufacturing and other targeted high growth areas. We are casting a wide net and encouraging those interested to contact us.

Nicholas Wyman is a workforce development and skills expert, author, speaker, and CEO of the Institute for Workplace Skills and Innovation (IWSI America). Wyman is a leader in developing skills-building, mentorship and apprenticeship programs that close the gap between education and careers around the world. IWSI works with a range of companies, governments and philanthropic organizations all across the globe, including Siemens, Nissan, Ford, and Mercedes-Benz as well as the Commonwealth of Virginia, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Wyman frequently lectures on workplace job innovations, and appears on national broadcast programs. He is a regular contributor to Forbes and Quartz, and was named LinkedIn’s #1 Education Writer of the Year. His award-winning book, Job U, is a practical guide to finding wealth and success by developing the skills companies actually need. He is actively involved in school to work programs focusing on STEM education. A third-generation writer, Wyman began his own career by learning a trade. He was named Australian Apprentice of the Year in 1988 and went on to captain Australia’s gold medal-winning Culinary Youth Team. He has an MBA and has studied at Harvard Business School and the Kennedy School of Government and was awarded a Churchill Fellowship.

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