Technical Education Post

News and Information for Technical Educators

Workstations for the Trades

Construction Zone workstations help students acquire construction skills right in the classroom 
and excite them about high-paying jobs in the construction industry.

The Construction Zone product line consists of 33 workstations representing 25 different skilled trades. Each workstation includes a ten hour, hands on work experience and comes complete with curriculum, professional tools, equipment, and supplies.

Curriculum with full color photographs guides the students through the hands-on activities and provides information about the trade as a career.  Math, science, reading, and writing skills are integrated into the curriculum to give students real world examples of their use in daily life and on the job site.

The Construction Zone program provides a safe, skills-based, hands-on experience in the construction trades. Construction Zone workstations are being used in high schools, community colleges, universities, and adult training.

Call Construction Zone today at 800-229-0018 to request a free 50 page catalog which includes pricing and specifications.

Tom Shaw

Technical Education Post, Online Publisher

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