Technical Education Post

News and Information for Technical Educators

Career Education in Elementary School

Career Education in Elementary School courses will provide early exposure to careers and will be developmentally appropriate for elementary students. The program will build on the success of Georgia’s existing Career Clusters and Pathways, along with the existing agricultural education courses in the early grades.

The Georgia Department of Education will work with business and industry, educators, and Career, Technical, and Agricultural subject matter experts to develop the courses.

Local school districts will be able to pilot the majority of the elementary courses as early as fall 2023.

“Our mission in Georgia is to prepare students for life,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “These elementary Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education courses will build into our middle- and high-school CTAE opportunities and give students the chance to learn about the many options they have for a successful future.”

The courses will eventually be available in all of Georgia’s existing Career Clusters. They springboard to assist with elementary STEM/STEAM instruction and certification, and for similar middle- and high-school programs.

About Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education in Georgia

Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education in Georgia delivers a K-12 education that prepares students for their lives after high school. Students can learn skills for real-world careers in more than 100 Career Pathways – from financial technology to flight operations – while earning recognized industry credentials and participating in hands-on learning opportunities.

Georgia’s career program offers 456 industry-certified programs. 17 Career Pathway Clusters. Georgia’s Pathway students who completed the program graduated at a rate of 97% in the 2020-2021 school year.

Career and Technical Student Organizations

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) are a vital part of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE). CTSOs  prepare students to become college and career ready members of society who hold productive leadership roles in their communities. CTSOs are committed to the growth of students in all CTAE career pathways.

These organizations provide motivation, leadership training, and career development opportunities for students enrolled in Career, Technical and Agricultural Education programs in middle and high schools and enhance their occupational, employability and leadership skills through various activities such as conferences, award programs, service projects, and competitive events. These organizations conduct activities and events at the local, state and national levels in which students can participate and compete.

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